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Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Random Thoughts

It's amazing what you think of at 3:00 am when you can't sleep.

Sarah Palin has foreign policy experience because she lives next to Russia. I guess that makes me an airplane pilot because there’s an airport down the road from me. Anyone up for a plane ride?

My dog can read my mind. All throughout the deck project my dog was under foot. Literally. He knew exactly which tool or which piece of lumber I needed next and stand directly in the way. Then when I shooed him away he would back up in the exact direction I was headed. How does he do that?

I watch CNN in the morning as I “run” my Nordic Trak. The MSNBC people make me nauseous in the morning and the FOX people make me nauseous any time of day. I can almost tell which commercial comes on next. Banks, televisions, business machines, cell phones, cars, etc.. It’s a real treat to see one I haven’t seen 500 times in the last week. And, what’s with the lady talking heads faces? Are they that perfect, or are they applying lots of makeup?

I can solve the economic bailout. Take every person making less than $250,000 per year (and who actually pays taxes) and pay off their mortgage. Then, require them to use the “spare” cash in their budgets to purchase American made goods for the next five years. Sorry Lenova. Sorry Sony. Sorry Mercedes. Sorry Gucci.

You should have to pass a simple test to be able to vote. This is not a poll tax, there’s not one thin dime involved (if there was money to be made, Halliburton would be lined up with their rosy palms up). Simply a poll test. Name two amendments to the U.S. Constitution. When the DOW drops 250 points, what is a point? Who is your U.S. Representative in Congress? Name three Supreme Court justices. Who was our last single-term president? Where are the weapons of mass destruction (sorry, trick question)? Is it easier to leave a war that should never have been started or to have never started the war in the first place? What would your question be?


Blogger Unknown said...

I’m going to answer your questions but I believe we get what we deserve and we all deserve to vote. Informed people may get a better government but knowledge should never be a pre-requisite to voting.

1. Name two amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

The right to practice religion as they wished, not the injection of religion into our constitution and politics, was one of the primary reasons the first settlers came here. We fought for the right of representation, self-determination, religious freedom, and privacy. Our founders included these principles into our constitution through the Bill of Rights. Two of my favorites from the Bill of Rights:

Amendment # 1: Freedom of religion, press
From my perspective, the single most import part of the Constitution. It protects some of our most basic human rights.

Amendment # 4: Search and Seizure
This is our right to privacy and has been significantly changed by the Patriot Act and FISA

I’m also particularly fond of:

Amendment # 13: Slavery Abolished

Amendment # 19 Women’s Suffrage

I’d have to look up the rest of them but I am glad that there are amendments about cruel and unusual punishment, citizenship rights, and term limits for the President – I can’t image 4 more years of G.W.

2. When the DOW drops 250 points, what is a point?

Until the index started plunging, I didn’t realize it was comprised of 30 industrial companies from varying sectors and that the price is a weighted index of those companies. According to economists, it’s a narrow but important indicator of our economy. I guess the point for me is that my retirement lost 20% and I might not be able to refinance my house. I also might not have a job – my boss already let two people go and reduced his share of our health care benefits to less then $200/month. I have now become a member of the “under insured” and my monthly salary has been reduced by more than $200 month to pay my insurance premiums.

3. Who is your U.S. Representative in Congress?

a. Florida House of Representative: Rep. Anthony P. Sasso
b. Florida Senate: Mike Haridopolos Majority (R) Whip
c. U.S. Senators from Florida: Mel Martinez (R) & Bill Nelson (D)
d. U.S. House of Representative from Florida: Dave Weldon (R)

4. Name three Supreme Court justices.

I’ll name my least favorites and not in any particular order: Chief Justice Roberts and Associate Justices Alito, Scalia, & Thomas

5. Who was our last single-term president?

Too easy – George H. W. Bush (1989) and before that Jimmy Carter (1977).

6. Is it easier to leave a war that should never have been started or to have never started the war in the first place?

It appears that it was pretty easy for President Bush to start a pre-emptive war based on lies. It will be very difficult to walk away from this war. The next president will have to deal with the cost in lives (American and Iraqi), the economics, and the ethical issues related to Guantanamo Bay, torture, the infrastructure of Iraq….

7. Additional “snarky” question(s):

a. Do you read a daily paper and which one(s)?
b. How much pork was added to the bale-out of our financial market?
c. How old is the earth?
d. Define executive power and how it has changed over the last 8 years – actually, what are the branches of the United States Government and their roles?
e. Name three decisions by the Supreme Court that impacted your life?
f. Cause, effect, and some solutions for global warming?
g. What is the Electoral College?
h. What are the four most important issues that our next president will have to deal with? What are the candidate’s policies on these issues?


12:30 PM  

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