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Saturday, September 20, 2008

New Happy Place

I have a new happy place. A place where sounds and sights and temporal sensations lull me to calm. I’ve needed this but didn’t know it. The last two months have been rough. Things are better now, not perfect, but better.

I’ve been building a new deck. The original deck had to go so I could have siding installed on the house. I spent a lot of time on the old deck: coffee on weekend mornings, a glass of whiskey and a cigar in the evenings, a place to veg after work. I’ve spent a lot of time replacing the deck and will spend more before the project is complete.

The work has been hard as I have had no “friends” to help. I cant tell you how many times I have arranged for “friends” to help only to find, at the last minute, that they had to shampoo their parrots, go to daughter’s friend’s weddings, etc. The list of excuses is as long as your arm. The lack of help has forced me to take extra steps. What I’ve been able to accomplish in a month could have been done in two weeks with help. It has literally been brains over matter. The good thing is that my brains have been able to trick the matter into acquiescing.

This morning I hit the lumberteria at 7:30 am. I purchased a truckload of lumber. After staging the lumber in the back yard I got to work. Mind you, there had been much accomplished on the new deck before this morning, but something was different.

I quit work at 4:00 pm cleaned up and moved tools into the house. I took a shower and ate the obligatory two Advil (MIRICALE DRUG). I then poured myself a cocktail and repaired to my lounge chair on the deck.

As I sat there listening to the sounds around me and seeing the sights, I could sense the stress flow away from me. Interstate 30 is a constant dull roar, almost background noise. The train rumbles through town to the west and blows its horn when it comes to the crossing. An occasional small airplane from the local airport buzzes overhead.

The tree frogs chirp. The cicadas add their rhythmic song. Birds sing their evening choruses. My dog paces back and forth.

I see the trees; a world of trees. Different kinds: oaks, pines, dogwoods, and hickories. Their leaves and needles different tints of green, different textures, different shapes.

The next thing I know, I wake up and it’s dark. I had probably slept for three hours. I don’t ever recall being so relaxed, so at ease, so calm.

This is my new happy spot. The next time I get stressed, I’ll shut my eyes and still m mind and go to my deck.

I truly wish everybody could have a such a great happy place.


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