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Thursday, May 03, 2007

I need a haircut

Life is not wonderful right now. I've got a middlin to bad dose of the blues. I hope it’s nothing more than a momentary low. I hope.

My girlfriend lives 400 miles away and I see no realistic way to decrease that distance short of quitting my job and moving. Weekends are too brief and too far between. I sure love her though.

I’ve been at the same job for 15 years watching younger people with the correct educational credentials move up the ladder quickly. Very quickly. I would not recommend anybody take employment where I work without the “proper” educational background. My boss promised me an upgrade “after the first of the year”. The “first of the year was over four months ago. I guess it’s technically still “after the first of the year”. I should have asked, “Which year?” Fifteen years in a dead-end job; was that a great decision or what?

I’m reading a book whose premise is that the world will undergo some sort of cataclysmic change in 2012. It’s the whole Mayan calendar/sun spot cycle thing. The author doesn’t attempt to define the cataclysmic event; he just claims that it will happen in 2012. He doesn’t really claim the world will end, just that there will be some BIG event/change/whatever that will drastically change things. Although he never really rules out nuclear holocaust, global pandemic, or a big damn meteor.

I’ve worked 22.5 years with the state. I can retire at full benefits in October of 2012 (is that prophetic?). Or, I can stick around for another 7 years, take advantage of the deferred retirement program, and let them write me a check for $250,000. It sounds good, but the closer I get to 28 years the better cat food in front of a black and white TV sounds. Bailing before 28 is out of the question. I’ve got too much invested to walk away from that monthly check. I really need the security. Lord knows, nobody should rely on social security.

Gas is going to cost over $3.00 per gallon any day and I’ve got four payments left on my 20 miles per gallon truck. If only I had made better use of the crystal ball four years ago. They tell us the price is so high because of decreased refinery capacity. Yet at the end of every financial quarter, Exxon/Mobil brags about record quarterly profits. Doesn’t sound much like “diminished capacity” to me. The only diminished capacity I see is the ability of the working poor to drive to their minimum wage jobs. Unfortunately, not everybody has the option to utilize mass transit in their daily routines.

I’m fifty year old with few in any prospects of marrying and having children. I just watched a program on the news about single people my age wondering who’s going to take care of them when the have to start wearing diapers and eating nothing stiffer than oatmeal. Who’ll go to the pharmacy and pick up my Aricept? Although, on the other hand, if I can remember to quit taking my Aricept, I won’t know to care. I’ll have to write that down so I can remember it. Maybe, after the year 2012, I won’t have to worry about it anyway.

I’ve got high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and probably high blood sugar. My doc says I need to lose 50 pounds. Nobody’s fault but my own.

Our nation’s leadership is morally bankrupt. They claim politicians shouldn’t be telling our military’s leaders how to run the war, yet turn right around and shop for military leaders that will kowtow to their demands for the sake of another star on their collar or ribbon on their chest. The only people benefiting from this war are the lunatics that want to tear Iraq apart and Exxon/Mobil’s stockholders.

My father will be 79 on September 3rd. I can’t talk my brother into coming to visit. The last time they saw one another was Christmas, 2004. The last time my brother visited my father's house was for our mother's funeral in 1979. I’m disappointed, but it’s out of my control.

I just went to the funeral of a lady I knew through her sons. They were in the Boy Scout troop I worked with. The older brother has finished college, gotten married, and been in the military (and out of Iraq) for several years. The younger brother has needed his mother a bit more. I’ll worry about him. Like everybody who attends a funeral, I told him to call me if he needs anything. He may never call. I need to get his number and make a point of calling him periodically. My problems are really pretty insignificant when I think about him.

I need to go see my friend Joyce. She has this amazing ability. She cuts my hair and I tell her my problems and she tells me to quit being a whiney butt and get over it. It works more often than not. I do need a hair cut.


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