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Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Twelve people I want to spend the weekend with

1. No family members. It’s a given we would love to have one more talk with loved ones who have passed on.
2. No deities: God, Buddha, Ah Kin, Vishnu, Jesus, Mohammad, Krishna, the Holy Ghost, Odin, Gaia, Nanook, Inari, Zeus, etc. It’s too much of a cliché, no free passes.
3. Living or deceased is fine. If the person is living, go talk to her or him immediately and tell them why they’re on your list!
4. No order of importance/preference intended.
5. Your list is constantly subject to change.

Mark Twain – a man who questioned God’s “gift” of famine, mosquitoes, cancer, etc.
Keith B. Royes, Sr. P.H.D. – a Socratic educator who exposed many to learning if only they were willing to participate.
Mother Theresa – to learn the value of selflessness.
Randall Hall – a friend who has taught me how to work and how to laugh and who has helped me in ways too numerous to count.
Abraham Lincoln – a man who forced his country to hold fast to unity and who heard the common voice against slavery and took action to end it.
Pete Seeger – to learn the joy of music and singing and the power of speaking out against wrong.
Lana Meyer – my dearest friend.
Leonardo da Vinci – an artist and inventor whose ideas were far ahead of his time.
Katherine Hepburn – a woman whose characters on film had to have come from deep inside her.
Aldo Leopold – he taught us to observe our environment and our impacts on it.
Thunder Traveling to the Loftier Mountain Heights – On October 5, 1877, thinking of the future of his people, he said, “I will fight no more forever.”
Alobar – a man who decided to quit aging and who lived for ages.

Sorry, I cheated. There are 13 people of on my list of twelve, one is fictitious but with whom I would still love to chat.

New rules:

6. Include any number of people who touch you enough to warrant inclusion in your list. The one caveat is to think of them daily and live your life in a way they would respect.

7. Fictitious individuals are approved as long as they don’t fall in the deity category, see Rule 2.


Blogger Unknown said...

People I’d like to sit down with again or for the first time…

1. I’m breaking the rules. My grandfather is on my list. He died when I was in college. I’d like to know him now or, maybe, I’d like him to know me now.

2. Nurses: I’d like to sit down at a round table with Clara Barton, Margaret Sanger, Florence Nightingale, and Walt Whitman. For good measure – I’d throw in Mary Todd Lincoln.

3. Faith: I’d like to have a discussion with Einstein, Mother Theresa, the Dali Lama, and Gandhi…. – this list is destined to expand and please note that I followed the rules.

4. Fictional characters: I’d like to have tea with Bilbo, Frodo and Samwise in the Shire. This is a whimsical choice that depends on my mood. I could have easily chosen Rivendell and the list of characters could include various combinations of Gandalf, Tom Bombadil, Legalos, Aragom, Gimli, Arwen, Elrond, Celebon, Treebeard, and Gladriel.

5. Mark Twain is on my list.

6. My pick for a musician would be Bob Marley

“Dont worry about a thing,
cause every little thing gonna be all right.”

7. Steve – you will always be on my list. Our friendship has been sustaining.

8. I’d like to eat dinner with the Al and Tipper

I am such a blond - I'm ready to change my list. I've left out so many ....


5:38 PM  

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