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Saturday, March 05, 2005

i'm feelin' better

I've had a mild irritation in my nose for the last month. Almost like an allergy but none of the other symptoms. The worse thing about it was some horrendous sneezing. I know I made woman and children cry and dogs cower in fear with a few of my nasal blasts.

Then, a week or so back a friend of mine, the redheadeditor, blogged about catching a cold. Shortly thereafter, I came down with a doozy.

Last Tuesday I felt like shit. Took Wednesday off. Drove to Fayetteville and back on Thursday, in retrospect, probably a big mistake. Friday my plan was to get up and drive north to visit my Dad. Started packin' the truck Thursday night. I figured I'd feel better in the morning. Friday morning I felt pretty bad but figured I could make it. I finished packing the truck, loaded up the dog, and headed north. I got about eight miles before it dawned on me I wasn't feelin' real well. In fact, I was feelin' pretty weak. I really hadn't had anything to eat since Tuesday. In a fit of lucidity I decided a seven hour (under normal circumstances) drive was not the brightest thing I could be attempting. Besides, why make the trip and be miserable the whole time and take the risk of infecting Dad and anybody else I might encounter. I turned the truck around and hit the couch.

It's Saturday now and I'm feelin' better but not up to a drive. Still haven't had anything to eat. A few crackers and some orange juice. I blame this cold on the redheadeditor. She's been braggin' about learnin' html code and I figure she found a way of sending germs through code. Kind of like those computer worms and viruses we hear about. She'll get hers one day.


Blogger Diann said...

Get well soon, at least you weren't supposed to start a new job like your friend. "Feed a cold, starve a fever," is my mother's advice. It might help to eat a little more. Sorry you feel bad.

3:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better. It put me in bed for three days. Can I blame the redheadeditor for my virus?

9:24 PM  
Blogger Redhead Editor said...

It's not my fault. And no, Lana can't blame me either. I am not Typhoid Redhead! I finally started feeling better about Thursday, but it's dragging on and I have to start my new job tomorrow. It hit me on Friday that I am now the age that I used to feel sorry for people because it took them so long to get over the flu. Holy crap! We're the same age, so it might take a while to feel better, too. But whatever you do... don't blame me.

10:18 PM  
Blogger Diann said...

Hey Lana,
Sorry to hear you were sick too. Hope you are better - no time for sickness, got to study :) Things are going better here.

10:45 PM  

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