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Thursday, February 24, 2005

Why is it...

... when you start raking leaves there’s no wind, but by the time you get a couple of big piles worked up gale force wind comes out of nowhere and blows toward the patches you just raked?

... the person in front of you gets the last piece of paper towel in the restroom?

... the person I get when I have credit card questions cannot speak English?

... you grab three different sizes of sockets hoping one will fit, walk 50 feet to the project, and find out all three are the wrong size?

... you wait fifteen minutes in line at the bank and the person in front of you wants the teller to balance their check-book?

... you wait fifteen minutes in line at the grocery store and the person in front of you waits until the checker has totaled the transaction and bagged all the stuff before they get out their check-book and start filling it out?

... any home improvement project requires one trip to the hardware store, and many require two or more?

... you wait fifteen minutes in line at the hardware store and the person in front of you needs to charge an item to a commercial account but they don’t know the exact name of the account, don’t know the account number, and don’t have a purchase order number?

... you wait fifteen minutes in line at the discount store and the person in front of you says the price the scanner produced is not the same as the price marked on the bin the item came from and the checkout person hits the switch and the light starts blinking?

... fifty items in a bin at the hardware store have UPC code stickers on them and you pick number 51 with no sticker?

... you wait fifteen minutes in line to get tags for your car and the person in front of you can’t understand why their cousin’s assessment on their brother’s uncle’s ford, their sister’s best friend’s inspection report for her chevy, their neighbor’s proof of personal property tax payment, and a check whose back has been signed so many times it looks like the Declaration of Independence won’t work to get their new tag for their honda?

... you have six bolts to remove, the first five come off easily and the sixth won’t budge?

... the screw you drop rolls to the most inaccessible spot in the shop, is the only one within fifty miles that will fit, and is the last one needed to complete a project?

... the sales rack at the clothing store only has XXLs and bigger?

... the day after you bought your new vehicle, the same model goes on sale for several thousand dollars less at the same dealership?

... the person in front of you at the traffic light has never heard of right turn on red?

... you’re the second car behind the wreck that stalls the interstate and the last exit was ten cars behind you?

... you’re working like a dog six hours straight, you take a break to look at the paper, and your boss walks up behind you?

... it looks like rain all day but it doesn’t start until 5 minutes before you have to cross the parking lot to make sure your umbrella is still in your vehicle so you can go home?

... they’re out of the “special” at your favorite lunch spot?

I want to know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it?
When you are all alone and you think no one cares – you get valentine days cards from 2 dear friends and all is well
When you have the flu and want nurturing – your college age son calls just to tell you he loves you and he doesn’t ask for money
When you are tired of your job and don’t think you can handle one more day – you are accepted into a doctoral program and get to change your life
One month before your engine explodes on your ford exploder – your ex father-in-law gives you his old car

7:51 PM  

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