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Sunday, February 06, 2005

Osama Bin Bush is getting his wish. His fiscal policies are leading us to ruin.

Today's headlines...

"MEDICAID CUTS SEEN AS LIKELY - The 2006 budget proposal that President Bin Bush unveils Monday... new fiscal era marked by strict spending restraints on domestic programs."

"POLICE AID, HOME HEAT FOR NEEDY CUT IN PLAN - ...slashing grants to local law enforcement agencies and cutting spending for environmental protection, American Indian schools, and home heating aid for the poor... half the increase for school districts in low income communities... reduction for the National Park Service."

President Bin Bush stated, "America's prosperity requires restraining the spending appetite of the federal government." When his writers give him something like this to spout, I wonder who they mean by "America." I'm convinced more and more every day that their America includes only those people who benefit from tax cuts for the wealthy. People who have enough income and saving to negate their need for social security benefits. People who don't need a break on the cost of needed medications. People who don't have to decide each month weather to eat or pay the heating bill. Bin Bush claims he believes in compassionate conservatism but shows true compassion for only the wealthy, only his "America." He seems to be doing everything he can to widen the gap between the haves and the have nots.

Don't get me wrong, I firmly believe in the ability of individuals to work hard and earn a living, even a lavish living. I do however think that as a society we can't turn our backs on the unfortunate. I'm sure there are dozens of pithy quotes from sagacious minds about societies and nations being judged by the way they care for their needy. The society Bin Bush is trying to create sucks!

Meanwhile, the state Democratic Party is requesting the donation of funds to help fight Bin Bush's programs. I'm sure the RNC loves this; bleed the Democrats dry before the midterm election in 2006. I'm not giving them a penny because they haven't proven to me they can spend it effectively. I am writing my Congressional delegation. You need to do the same. Ranting 'til the cows come home only makes your voice hoarse.


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