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Sunday, October 19, 2008


This morning's CBS News: Sunday Morning was dedicated to animals. It was pretty neat. I tried to find a link but couldn't. I did find a link to CBS that has the center piece article. Its worth a look.

Another neat thing was an article about the Encyclopedia of Life, also worth a look.

I remember in an outdoor rec. class in college, a professor telling us the difference between man and the "lower" animals was our capacity to play. Other animals did not play. I guess he's never had a dog or a cat, or seen squirrels chase one another through the trees. National Geographic magazine even had an article on animals and their ability to play. It was the headline topic of their December 1994 edition (Vol. 186, No. 6, pages 2-35).

It just goes to show you, some people have absolutely no business, what so ever, trying to teach.


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