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Wednesday, June 29, 2005

who's the winner?

Once upon a time (and not a "great" time at that) the Academy Award, the Tony, the Grammy and the Emmy were the province of white entertainers. No black persdon had one of these coveted statues on his or her mantle. Gradually, as we grew and old prejudices waned, blacks began to be nominated. Then one day a black won the award. It may have come much later than it should, but the barrier had finally and appropriately been broken.

I saw that the Black Entertainer awards were held last night. Has a non-black been nominated for a BET Award? Has a non-black ever won a BET Award.

This is the same, identical segregation that Martin Luther King rallied against. It's just reversed itself in 40 years. Have we really changed that much since the early 60s?


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