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Monday, April 11, 2005

i don’t understand

The far right conservatives, often called the religious right (RR), are famous for supporting legislation that controls how we live.

They vote to diminish a woman’s reproductive choices claiming abortion is an abomination that leads to the death of human beings. Thou shalt not kill!

They vote to raise taxes on alcoholic beverages because drinking is a sin in their eyes. This is one of the sources of the term “sin tax”. It’s a fairly easy process to raise the tax on something that is BAD for us. With all the statistics showing that most household accidents take place in our kitchens, you’d think they’d try to tax dishwashers, carving sets, stoves, etc.

They vote to keep the sale of alcoholic beverages illegal in certain counties. Often to the glee and GREAT financial benefit of the liquor store just across the county line. Furthermore, often with that store’s owner’s financial backing. Jesus must have done a bad thing when he changed water into wine at the wedding. Obviously, the RR knows better than Jesus.

God, Allah, Buddha, Gia, Krishna take your pick, I’ll call him/her Pat, gave us a mind to think with. A mind to learn with and a mind to make decisions with. Pat gave us the ability to CHOOSE based on what we learn and believe. The RR must believe that Pat was having a bad day when we were endowed with the ability to choose. Obviously, the RR knows better than Pat.

Here’s what I don’t understand. Why won’t they support legislation that outlaws smoking cigarettes is restaurants? Smokers are killing themselves with tar and nicotine. They’re also killing innocent bystanders with second-hand smoke. “Thou shalt not kill” must only apply to abortion. Why won’t they support legislation that keeps bona fide assault weapons out of our hands. Much to the chagrin of the NRA, real hunters don’t need assault weapons to harvest their game. Maybe it’s because all the filthy lucre the tobacco and firearm industries pour into the RR’s pockets.

I truly believe Pat is as baffled as I am.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Talk among the conservative and religious right is that Kennedy, a Ronald Reagan appointee, should be impeached. Why? – Because of his recent opinion forbidding capital punishment for juveniles. I think that might be a pro-life stance but evidently our conservative right does not agree.

7:32 PM  
Blogger Redhead Editor said...

Say AMEN, Somebody. I just don't get it. Being pro-life no longer means you believe in preserving life. It means you get to kill who you want. Please run for president. I'd vote for you!

7:53 PM  
Blogger steve said...

I can't run for president; I inhaled. More than once.

7:51 AM  
Blogger Diann said...

Yeah, that's my biggest sadness in life - the people who could do a better job of governing all inhaled. You think we did it because we were trying to escape the bullshit? I'm thinking I might do it again - it's getting too thick out there.

8:23 AM  

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